Four Seasons Hotel George V ジェフ・リーサム氏の花装飾/Mr.Jeff Leatham’s flower arrangements at Four Seasons Hotel George V.Paris
フォー シーズンズ ジョルジュ サンク パリに一歩足を踏み入れるとアメリカのフローリスト Jeff Leatham氏が手掛ける豪華な花装飾が来る人を迎えてくれます。
今回は、溢れんばかりの真白なシャクヤク(peony), ラン(orchid), バラ(rose), 鮮やかなグリーンのスノーボール(snowball), そして真っ直ぐなラインを描くグラジオラス(gladiolus / gladioli)が黒い花器に活けられ圧倒的な存在感を放っていました。
Mr. Jeff Leatham’s flower arrangements at Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris
Gorgeous flower ornamentation arranged by Mr. Jeff Leatham, an American florist, welcomes people coming into Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris.
There are his arrangements not only in the lobby but also spaces ubiquitously in the hotel.
On this occasion, bright white of peonies, orchids, roses, vivid green of snowballs as well as white gladioli depicting vertical lines were his works, which stood out conspicuously with black vases respectively used for each flower. At the Marble Courtyard, there was a showcase of fuchsia pink Vandas as if it were a tableau.