JANE PACKER Flower Schoolでのレッスン/JANE PACKER Flower School of London
ジェーンパッカーフラワースクールオブロンドンでPedestal design fullday classを受けました。
Took the Pedestal Design Full Day Class at Jane Packer Flower School of London, England
The two huge distinct arrangements are scheduled to be made in class. One arrangement that is projected in the morning is based on traditionally British, and the other in the afternoon is on a modern arrangement with the unique style of the late Jane Packer. Since she passed away in 2011, I find it very touchingly reminiscent that her essence has been well-maintained in its teachings. It has been almost twenty years since I decided that I would pursue a career as a florist just as I first encountered Jane’s work, all of which reminded me of taking many courses such as an evening course, a one-day lesson, and a career course.
The last photo shown is the photo of the house that is owned by a friend of mine who took very good care of me. It was an excellent idea that some of the arrangements brought back from school was put in an ice bucket for champagne instead of a vase cause there weren’t suitable one available at that moment.