ヴァンソン・レサール氏のフラワーレッスン / a flower lesson from Mr. Vincent Laissard
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a flower lesson from Mr. Vincent Laissard
Declic Fleur took a flower lesson offered by Mr. Vincent Laissard at his shop “Rosebud” in Odeon, Paris.
A bouquet-lesson was proceeded with a bunch of Yves Piaget, Wild Roses, [Red] Raspberries. Out of those flowers the bouquet of Chanpêtre was wonderfully completed with the wild roses’ stems creating natural lines.
The next lesson was with the use of the vase from Guaxs, purchased at his shop, together with a batch of Hydrangea and Wild Roses, all of which were beautifully arranged in the vase.
It was just a wonderful moment that a lesson from Vincent had been a coveted one.